European Days of Local Solidarity in Getxo
Areetako Geltokia Plaza, Getxo (11/11)
Getxo Elkartegia C/Ogoño s/n (16/11)
11 & 16 November ‘17
Getxotik Mundura Mundutik Getxora (11/11)
Getxotik Mundura, Mundutik Getxora. From Getxo to the world, from the world to Getxo.” Proving its openness and solidarity, the city of Getxo (Basque Country, Spain) will host on 11 November a solidarity fair giving the voice to local Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organisations and to the city council on their engagement in favor of a sustainable development for all.
Local alliances for sustainable development (16/11)
On 16 November, Euskal Fondoa invites you to discuss on the 17th Sustainable Development Goal: how to build up partnerships between local governments, the private sector and civil society for an effective sustainable development for all? Join us to discuss and debate!
Euskal Fondoa
The Association of local authorities from the Basque country for international cooperation was created in 1996 as a tool for the coordination and support of decentralized cooperation in the Spanish Basque Country. The association gathers all local experiences and works for the development of solidary relationships with institutions, social organisations and communities from the South. |